

世界各國的領袖也開始發文祝賀拜登的當選,還包括與川普意識形態同為保守主義的英國首相強生(Boris Johnson),也已祝賀拜登勝選。


蔡總統推文指出,「現在輪到我來祝賀拜登和賀錦麗當選總統和副總統了,我們台美雙方過去已建立之關係所堅持的價值是前所未有的強而有力,我期待共同努力,強化我們的友誼,並為國際社會作出貢獻。」"Now it is my turn to extend congratulations to @JoeBiden &@KamalaHarris on being elected President & VP-elect. The values on which we have built our relationship could not be stronger. I look fwd to working together to further our friendship, & contributions to int’l society."

副總統賴清德稍早也在推特向拜登與賀景麗(哈里斯)表達祝賀,期待未來與新政府一起在人權、民主、和平,以及防疫等方面一起努力。"Congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. We look forward to working together with your administration to promote human rights, democracy, and peace - and to shut down the virus!"