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副總統賴清德今天(11日)中午宴請美國衛生部長阿札爾(Alex Azar II),賴副總統表示,阿札爾部長是自1979年以來,來訪層級最高的美國內閣官員。阿札爾的來訪,代表台美關係有實質的進展,他也期望透過台美衛生合作備忘錄的簽署,讓兩國攜手對抗疫情,包括聯合開發藥物與疫苗,以及疾病預防等合作。賴副總統並致贈訪團成員由口罩國家隊「淨新科技股份有限公司」所生產之彩色口罩。
副總統表示,患難見真情,如美國國務卿龐培歐(Mike Pompeo)所言,美國一直期盼臺灣能參與世界衛生大會討論,但屢遭中國壓制。在臺灣,正是民主為防制疫情做出了貢獻,包括透明的決策、政府的努力、公民的參與,以及醫護人員的貢獻,還有對來自中國訊息的不信任與查證,這些都是臺灣防疫的重要力量。
Secretary Azar, Chairman Moriarty, Director Christensen, Vice President Chen, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. It is such a pleasure to have friends coming from afar, especially at the moment when the global community is facing the challenges of COVID-19.
Secretary Azar has been a great friend to Taiwan. I want to thank you for your constant support in speaking out for Taiwan’s participation in the WHO, including your statement during this year’s WHA and your letter urging Dr. Tedros to invite Taiwan to participate in the WHA. On behalf of President Tsai Ing-wen and the people of Taiwan, I am truly honored to welcome you and your colleagues to Taiwan.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. As Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said, the United States has always hoped that Taiwan can participate in WHA discussions, but it has been suppressed by China. In Taiwan, it is democracy that has contributed to the containment of the outbreak. It includes transparent decisionmaking, government efforts, citizen participation, and dedication of medical staff, distrust and verify the message from China as well. These are important forces in Taiwan's pandemic prevention.
During the time that the world is combating the pandemic. It is important to see an MOU on health cooperation between Taiwan and the United States. It enables us to fight the pandemic hand in hand including joint drug and vaccine development and future disease prevention.
Secretary Azar, you are the highestranking cabinet official to visit us since 1979. You took a great step. And indeed it is a big leap in our relations marking substantial progress between Taiwan and the U.S. We treasure this historic moment.
We admire the spirit the American people have shown in combating COVID-19 under President Trump’s leadership. We are delighted to share our knowledge and experience with you. Together we will defeat this virus.
Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in raising a toast to welcome Secretary Azar and the delegation again and wish the US and Taiwan success and long lasting friendship.
Thank you!