在簽約盛會中有五人發言致辭,依次是河野泰之京大副校長兼國際長(右上)、台大袁孝維國際長(左上)、「日本台灣交流協會」村嶋郁代新聞文化部部長、台灣京大校友會陳素鶯會長及台灣留日京大校友會王輝生(照片最下方者)。 |
疫情氾濫成災,全球哀鴻遍野,惟獨台灣一枝獨秀,不但防疫有成、抗災有方,而且行有餘力得以助人,Taiwan can help、Taiwan is helping,廣結善緣、嘉惠四鄰,除了嬴得歐美諸國的尊重回饋外,近鄰的日本從官到民都點滴在心,不約而同地強化對台關係,幾乎成為朝野共識的全民運動。
日本政府六度捐台疫苗,官員們也頻頻地在國際會議上,為台灣仗義執言 ; 連左派學府、法人化的京都大學也不遑多讓,大幅提升與台大的姊妹校情誼,在十一月四日用視訊舉行「台大-京大共同種子計劃及建立戰略夥伴關係」的簽約儀式。由於中國留學生是京大外籍生的最大來源,京大當局一向有所顧忌,凡是對台的交流活動不是秘而不宣,就是隱而不揚的冷處理。李前總統卸任後雖然九度訪問日本,但始終不能一償重返母校京大的宿願,京大堂奥之深,可想而知。
台大與京大,都曾名列日本戰前九個帝大之中,兩校人材濟濟、群英薈萃,京大是日本諾貝爾獎得主最多的大學 ; 而台灣的諾貝爾獎得主及台灣的民選總統也都是來自台大。臥龍藏虎、超群絕倫的兩校於二00五年締結為姊妹校。由於雙方的交流熱絡,加上疫災期間,台日民間相互扶持,患難見真情,所以去年兩校又提昇關係,成為重點姊妹校。如今瓜熟蒂落,雙方決定更進一步建立戰略夥伴關係,簽署「台大、京大共同種子計劃」,劍及履及地落實兩校的情誼連結。
【Congratulate the deepening of sisterhood between Taiwan University and Kyoto University 】
Vice President Kono, Vice President 、Yuan,Ladies, and Gentlemen:
This is a joyous day of ceremony to celebrate the deepening of sisterhood between National Taiwan University and Kyoto University.
It is a great honor and pleasure for me, as an alumnus of Kyoto University, to celebrate this occasion with you and deliver a congratulatory message -- l express my heartfelt thanks.
In the past, National Taiwan University and Kyoto University were Imperial Universities, founded by the Empire of Japan. These two universities have produced many talented alumni: distinguished politicians, scholars, physicians, and business leaders. In Japan, Kyoto University has the largest number of Nobel Prize laureates. A Taiwanese Nobel laureate graduated from National Taiwan University. Kyoto University is ranked amongst the top two universities in Japan, and the top ten in Asia. National Taiwan University is the top university in Taiwan. Today, these two universities vow mutual fidelity and trust. They live up to their reputation.
While not a lot of Taiwanese students study at Kyoto University, but many Taiwanese graduates of Kyoto University are exceptional and have attained eminent positions: Professor Congming Du(杜聰明)was the first medical doctor of Taiwan, and also the former dean of National Taiwan University College of Medicine. Dr. Teng-hui Lee (李登輝)was the former President of Taiwan. Dr. Frank Hsieh (謝長廷)is currently the ambassador to Japan.
In 1978 ,I left Taiwan and went to Japan, bare-handed and without any personal connections, to study at Kyoto University. Kyoto University provided us with a rigorous professional education in a free and open-style learning and studying environment. My knowledge, skills, and experiences grew day-by-day. I have benefited immensely from learning and studying in Kyoto University. My life at Kyoto University is an unforgettable memory.
I am very happy to see that Taiwan and Japan are closely related and mutually dependent. I hope that, through non-governmental exchanges, people-to-people contact will continue to flourish. These two universities are already in close contact with each other, and today’s formal alliance will certainly increase the exchange of extraordinary talent and collaboration . This will hugely benefit the students in both Taiwan and Japan.
May this collaboration bring us more ties of friendship. May the bonds of our friendship (絆kizuna)last forever.
Thank you very much
「Kyoto University Taiwanese Alumni Association in Japan」
Hui-Sheng WANG
(Kazuhiro OTA )
MD.,PHD.,Kyoto university